It was great to open the $2.5 million upgraded facilities at the Clarence Valley Airport last week.
This is an important piece of infrastructure that we need to maintain for our wider community.
The terminal building was extended, the runway was strengthened and reshaped, larger baggage handling area and more public car parks.
Numbers through the airport are growing, up to 18,000 this year.
The upgrade was jointly funded by the Federal Government and Council.
I announced a $50,000 grant for a new Digital Literacy program at Grafton High School last week.
This is about making sure our students get the support and skills they need for the future.
The outreach programme includes Grafton High, South Grafton High, Grafton Primary, Westlawn Primary, South Grafton Primary and Gilllwinga.
Volunteer clubs like Meals on Wheels in Yamba do a great job for our community.
It was a pleasure last week to present a $9000 cheque to this group to install solar panels.
It’s estimated the panels will save Meals on Wheels more than $3500 a year in power bills that can now be spent looking after our community.
It was an honour to be asked to present Excellence Awards last week at Palmers Island Public School last week.
Congratulations to all the students and their teachers.