Shane Henwood together with Shane Sutherland helped in a surf rescue at Pippi Beach recently. I acknowledged them both in Parliament and referred to them as body boarders.
Given the severity of the issue, I had Hansard officially changed to say they were surfers. I presented Shane with an official copy of Hansard when I caught up with him at the Yamba YHA Backpackers.
I would like to acknowledge Dr William Cayzer. He recently retired after 37 years of service to the Grafton community.
Thank you Dr Cayzer and all the best for the future.
South Grafton RSL Sub Branch rededicated the South Grafton Cenotaph recently.
The Federal Government assisted with funds for this well supported community project.
A special thank you to Bob Hayes, President of the RSL Sub Branch and Fred Norris for their effort.
Also thanks must go to the businesses that helped in the construction: Robin Gipp Constructions, John Caldwell – Caldwell Electrical, Wicks and Parker, Keith Smith – Stonemason, Worsell Industries, Troy Raven, Dan Hicks, Glen Ryder, GJR Sheet Metal and Tony Blackadder.
It was great to announce the winning tenders to build 170 new bridges. This is all part of the Pacific Highway upgrade.
Many more jobs to be created as part of this build.