New outdoor learning space for South Grafton High School

South Grafton High School would like to improve an underutilised area at the school. They want to create an Aboriginal Learning Circle, with a shaded area, play equipment and seating.    Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan today announced a $16,000 grant to make this project happen.    Mr Hogan said the area will be great for students, staff and the community.    “This will allow…

Community Landcare project given a boost

Envite Environment has been working with schools on important local environmental projects. They improve the health of the Wilsons River through removing weeds and planting local natives.   Educators have been holding school based workshops about the importance of this work. Landcare groups have also been hosting training days to allow people to gain practical…


Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan has announced that Northern Rivers Children’s Services (NCRS) – Gingerbread House had been awarded $13,500 under the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Programme.   “The funding will provide a much needed update to Gingerbread house with shade sails and soft fall for the outdoor play area and rejuvenate inside with…


DROUGHT AND FIRE ASSISTANCE As our community continues to face challenges with both the drought and fires, I want to ensure everyone in is aware of the assistance that is available. You, or you may know of a neighbour or friend who could benefit from this information. Farmers and small businesses that have been hit by…

$7.2 million boost for local governments in Clarence Valley and Northern Rivers

Federal member for Page Kevin Hogan said local governments in the Northern Rivers and Clarence Valley will benefit from delivery of the latest tranche of funding under the Australian Government’s four-year $9.3 billion Financial Assistance Grants programme. He said $7,199,237 is being provided to local governments in the Northern Rivers and Clarence Valley under the…