Statement from Kevin Hogan – Labor have abandoned the House Buyback Scheme
Wednesday June 14 2023 – There were originally 2,058 homes identified for buyback. This has now been halved back to 1,091. Why?
Not because these houses are any safer, but because the Labor Governments are refusing to top up the scheme. When the scheme was announced in October last year it was phase one of the funding. Phase two has been abandoned.
The question therefore has to be asked; what does moving half a street or neighbourhood achieve? It divides a community in half. It doesn’t keep people safe. It is basically spending $800 million to do half a job.
Given Labor are abandoning the Buyback Scheme, it places increased importance on flood mitigation. When the CSIRO hands down its flood mitigation recommendations next year, we need to do what they recommend to take two metres off the flood level.
Authorised by Kevin Hogan MP, National Party of Australia, Lismore, NSW