20 weeks with no money! Where’s the help for families hit by the Clarence prawn disaster?
Tuesday June 13 – Member for Page Kevin Hogan has slammed the Federal Government for its lack of care for Clarence families affected by the White Spot Disease (WSD) outbreak.
“20 weeks have passed since this disaster became apparent and there’s been zero help from the Federal Labor Government as many of the families struggle to put food on the table” Mr Hogan said.
“They needed help four months ago. Now it’s beyond urgent.
“The lack of a response from Labor’s Primary Industries Minister is appalling considering a State and Federal WSD rescue package was negotiated by the former Coalition Government and implemented following an outbreak in the Logan River in 2017.
“So it’s not as though they have to reinvent the wheel here, there’s already a formula in place. It really seems to me like they just don’t care.
“Confirmation the lockdown will continue for the next two years makes it even more traumatic for those families waiting desperately for help.
“The Albanese Government needs to get its priorities right and help these families now,” Mr Hogan said.