I WOULD like to congratulate the Clarence Valley’s latest crop of young Sporting Champions.
I recently held a morning tea in Grafton to present the awards, and a $500 cheque, to nine Clarence teenagers who represented our community at a state and/or national event.
They were Toby Power (hockey, aged 16), Harry Watts (hockey, 12), Tyler Gaddes (hockey, 13) Tyler McGarvie (hockey, 13), Georgia Kroehnert (indoor hockey 14), Toby Campbell (swimming, 12), Georgia Breward (Australian Rules, 16), Bethany Hickey (athletics, 16) and Nathalie Avery (athletics, 13).
If there is a teenager in our community who you would like to nominate, go to www.ausport.gov.au
IT WAS wonderful to attend the Clarence Valley Australia Day Awards. It was a great evening.
Congratulations to Florence (Diane) Lee (Citizen of the Year), Bennett Mitchehill and Hannah Smith (joint Young Citizens of the Year), Roger Green (Local Hero) and the Grafton Midnight Basketball (Community Achievement).
You are all inspirational people to others in our community and I thank you.
Welcome also to all our new citizens.
GRAFTON HIGH student Isaac Huxley was one of 60 of Australia’s brightest technology-buffs who converged on Macquarie University in Sydney recently to take part in an advanced digital technology summer-school backed by the Federal Government.
I would like to congratulate Isaac on being selected to be part of the first digIT group of students.
IT WAS good to announce a $3000 Federal Government grant to Grafton RSL Sub-Branch for programs to reduce social isolation, such as bus trips.
Grafton RSL President Brian Bultitude and his executive do a great job for our veterans and I thank them.
MY OFFICE was recently named Electorate Office of the Year by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. This is quite an achievement, given there are over 100 offices.
I would like to congratulate my office staff.
The annual award is determined by how well an office responds to enquires from members of the community.
It also recognises my second electorate office in Grafton which I pay for out of my salary.