Mr HOGAN (Page) (16:39): Madam Deputy Speaker, I am sure you would be aware, as you would be very in tune with your community, that this year is the 100th anniversary of the Red Cross.
Last Friday, I had the pleasure of helping to celebrate, with my community, this milestone at the Red Cross tea rooms in Keen Street, Lismore.
As most people here would know, the Red Cross was established in 1914, at the outbreak of World War I.
Its symbol is synonymous with doing good and helping people in need.
I acknowledge the Lismore Branch President, Lynne Fleisch, and all the other hardworking volunteers in our community for all that they do.
We would be a poorer community without them.
They do lots of work in blood donation.
A number of weeks ago, it was especially pleasing for me to visit their tea rooms to announce a couple of grants from the federal government.
We are helping them fund three programs: Telecross, TeleCHAT and MATES.
These programs are to help Red Cross people and their volunteers to ensure that our elderly residents receive physical and social support that will enable them to continue living in their homes.
I give some of these programs a call just to see how they are going and to make sure that they are okay.
Other parts of this program involve volunteers visiting elderly residents in their homes and having a cup of tea with them.
These are good programs to help elderly people stay at home for as long as they can.
I commend the Red Cross.
Happy 100th Birthday to a wonderful institution.