The 850 jobs at Norco and the sustainability of the co-operative’s 220 farm members has been assured with today’s announcement of a $30 million expansion of Norco’s ice-cream facility in Lismore, Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan said.
“Norco came to me with plans to double the production at their Ice-Cream factory to ensure the job security of its existing 850 employees and expand its workplace, including employing more apprentices.
“It also wanted to help its 220 member farms become more sustainable.
“I worked with them to get the funding so its plans could go ahead.
“This is great news for Norco employees, those looking for work and our local dairy industry.
“The doubling of production means the milk price paid to Norco’s 220 member farms will increase by $20,500 for each farm every year once the plant is completed. This will make our dairy industry more sustainable.
“This additional farm income will be spent locally in our shops and businesses, further strengthening our economy.”
Norco Acting Chief Executive Greg McNamara said the expansion was “an amazing opportunity to develop a world class ice-cream facility.”
“The doubling of production will substantially improve the ice cream business unit’s profitability which will lead to increased farm gate prices to farmers when the project is completed.”
The $30 million project includes the construction of a two storey building to accommodate the two spiral freezer tunnels, the installation of a fully automated robotic palletising system, water recovery machines and new vats.
The Federal Government will contribute $15 million to the project under its Regional Growth Fund.
Major projects Kevin Hogan has delivered for our community include:
- $17 million in grants for nine job-creating projects
- More than 300 new Aged Care beds
- New Headspace in Grafton
- Redevelopment of Oakes Oval.
- New Northern Rivers Regional Art Gallery
- Expanded North Coast Regional Hockey Complex
- Maclean Riverside Precinct
- Casino Amphitheatre
- Southern Cross Lads Safe Driving Course
- Woolgoolga Surf Life Saving Club
- Wollongbar Club House
- Kyogle Aquatic Centre
- Upgrade of Casino Saleyard
- Sealed road to Toonumbar Dam
- Repair of Woodburn to Coraki Road
- Coffs Harbour bypass
- Revitalisation of Kyogle Memorial Institute Hall
- Major upgrade of Culmaran Creek Road
- Upgrade of Harwood Mill and Refinery
- Replacing 20 wooden bridges in Kyogle
- Upgraded Albert Park Baseball Complex
- Upgrade of Casino Hospital Emergency Department
- Six new Trade Training Centres
- Record bulk billing rates
- Record funding for our local schools
- Record health funding