Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan today announced a grant of almost $19,000 to RED Inc for a new mini-bus.
“This is great news for the over 200 people with disabilities, and their families, who use services provided by RED Inc,” he said.
“The grant will be used to purchase an 8-seater Kia Carnival to help transport RED Inc clients to outings, which otherwise they wouldn’t be able to get to.”
RED Inc chief executive Marie Gale said: “We are absolutely delighted and thrilled to receive this grant from Kevin Hogan. It means that we will be able to purchase a van that will give RED Inc. participants the valuable opportunity to head out on adventures and provide access to the wider world and community.
“As any regional resident knows, transport is a very real issue with public transport, limited. We greatly appreciate Kevin Hogan acknowledging this issue and enabling us to overcome this for the REDinc. community.”
Authorised by Kevin Hogan MP, National Party of Australia, Lismore, NSW