“Federal Member for Page, Kevin Hogan, welcomed the announcement today of a $100 million Women’s Safety Package to deliver immediate and practical measures to keep women and their children safe.
“The recent spike of violent incidents against women has shown more needs to be done to keep women and their children safe,” Kevin Hogan said.
“This year alone over 60 women have been killed in domestic violence incidents. While one in six Australian women have experienced violence at the hands of a man.”
“This situation is completely unacceptable and that is why the Federal Government has made addressing this issue a national priority.”
“This package will allow our community support teams to trial innovative technologies to keep women safe, to train more frontline staff to recognise and respond appropriately to women experiencing violence and to provide better resources to help parents, teachers and students,” Kevin Hogan said.
The package includes $21 million for specific measures to help Indigenous women and communities.
The Women’s Safety Package responds to the preliminary advice of Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Advisory Panel on Reducing Violence against Women and their Children – chaired by Ken Lay and deputy chaired by Rosie Batty and Heather Nancarrow – which was provided to COAG at its special meeting on 23 July 2015.
Women and children must be safe in their homes and together we need to make Australia a place where women and children feel safe.