New unisex facilities, including disabled toilets, as well as new storage facilities are part of a $500,000 upgrade of Iluka’s Ken Leeson Oval, thanks to a Federal Government grant, the Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan said.
“The existing facilities are nearing the end of their useful life and their location is disjointed from the majority of activities on the oval and would be better suited in a new location,” he said.
“This $500,000 grant will mean now both men and women can better use the oval and its facilities. It also means better access for people with a disability.
“New storage facilities for the different sporting groups will also be incorporated to allow them to store the equipment and tools they use.
“The ground will also be levelled and irrigated following a State Government grant.”
The popular oval is used by the Iluka Football Club, the Iluka Cricket Club, the Iluka Cossacks Rugby Union and the local school.