Federal member for Page Kevin Hogan today attended the launch of the second stage of two Green Army projects at Tullera working to improve habitat for koalas.
Mr Hogan said the Green Army is a great opportunity for young Australians aged 17-24 years to gain training and experience in environment and conservation fields.
Green Army teams include nine participants and a supervisor.
“Our community is very aware of the need to ensure our environment is sustainable, which is why we have one of the highest take up rates of Green Army Projects in Australia,” Mr Hogan said.
“These young people are helping to secure the future of our environment while also learning the skills that will secure their own future.”
One Green Army team is working with Friends of the Koala. By the end of this project Green Army participants will have planted over 7000 koala food trees.
The team works with private landholders to improve habitat for koalas. Participants will gains skills in nursery operations while growing food trees for koalas.
As well as being planted by the team, these trees are given to people who wish to expand koala habitat on their properties and help increase connectivity.
“One of the biggest threats to koalas is loss of habitat and the Green Army team will provide a great boost to the creation of koala habitat on the North Coast,” Friends of the Koala Trees Officer Mark Wilson said.
“The loss of their bushland habitat often forces koalas into small ‘pockets’ of trees surrounded by houses, dogs and roads.
The aim of the project with the Green Army is to try and link these pockets of habitat to provide wildlife corridors and enable safe movement of koalas and other native animals.”
The second Green Army team will work with Lismore City Council to control invasive weeds, which limit koala movements and block access to food trees.
The participants will be planting trees and learning plant propagation as well as attending local community Landcare events.
Many of the project sites are on private properties between Rosebank and Lismore. This is a recognised koala corridor.
The projects are supported by the Federal Government’s Green Army Programme and Lismore City Council and Friends of the Koala.
Landholders interested in restoring koala habitat are welcome to attend. Morning tea will be provided following the launch and attendees will be able to join a tour to see restoration works.