More than $5.6 million will flow to Aged Care Services across Page to fund 80 new Age Care beds and 34 Home Care places.
Federal member for Page Kevin Hogan said the additional Federal Government funding would help meet demand for quality aged care services in Page.
“Older Australians across Page will benefit from 80 new residential aged care places, worth almost $5 million and 34 new Home Care Places worth almost $1 million.”
In the Clarence Valley, Dougherty Villas will get 20 additional Residential Care places and the Whiddon Group another 36. The total value of the 56 new Residential Care place is $3.3 million.
In the Northern Rivers, St Andrews Village in Ballina will get 4 additional places and Crowley Village in Ballina 20 new Residential Care places.
“The Government believes older Australians want and deserve to have the support and care they need to live active and healthy lives, and to continue to choose the aged care services they need,” Mr Hogan said.
“I am pleased that new aged care places will help meet the growing aged care needs of older Australians in Page.
“The new home care places will help older Australians remain living in their own home for as long as possible.”
Research by RDA Northern Rivers has found the Clarence Valley/Northern Rivers has a higher proportion of population aged over 60 (23%), compared with the state average of 17%. This is forecast to rise to 31% by 2016.