Federal member for Page Kevin Hogan today announced $300,000 in funding for Heartfelt House to continue offering its wide range of services to adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, including its 18-week Taking the First Steps program.
Funding for the Alstonville-based was due to run out on June 30.
However, Mr Hogan has now secured $300,000 over two years to allow the organisation to continue to help survivors and better plan the range of services it offers.
“I have been working with Vicki from Heartfelt House since the election to ensure the vital services Heartfelt House provides to our community continues into the future,” he said.
“Last year when it was threatened with closure I successfully lobbied the then Human Services Minister Kevin Andrews to immediately find $100,000 to keep Heartfelt House going while I secured longer term funding.
“Through ongoing discussions and meetings I convinced the new Minister Scott Morrison that Heartfelt House provided a much-needed service on the North Coast and that if it wasn’t funded there would be a gap in these vital services.
“Under the Government’s Strengthening Communities Programme, Heartfelt House will now have funding security which will allow it to develop sustainable plans to ensure the services it provides are always available to those in need.”
Alstonville-based Heartfelt House has been providing support to adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and the family and friends to our community for since 2005.
Its successful Taking the First Steps program is designed specifically for adults sexually abused as children and allows for flexibility to meet the specific characteristics and needs of each group. It is designed to create awareness, give information, and explore thoughts, behaviours and feelings related to the trauma of the sexual abuse in the past and how it influences participants’ lives today.