The Federal Government is providing youth in the Clarence Valley access to scholarships worth up to $5,000 per year.
Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan said this new program will provide around 400 scholarships to young people. The Clarence Valley is one of only ten regions that have been offered this opportunity.
“I am committed to ensuring that every young person can find work,” Mr Hogan said.
“We are providing young people with intensive and targeted support to help them transition into meaningful employment.”
“Through this program we are investing $8.2 million in young Australians to complete
vocational education and training (VET) courses that train them for jobs that are in demand in our region.”
The Commonwealth Scholarship Program for Young Australians was announced as part of the $585 million Delivering Skills for Today and Tomorrow skills package in the 2019−20 Budget.
The first Scholarship Application Round is open for applicants who are:
- Aged 15 to 24 years or recently exited from the Australian Defence Force (no age restriction)
- not in full-time work at the time of applying
- living in one of the 10 nominated regional areas, and
- applied for an eligible VET qualification at the Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level, which leads to an eligible occupation.
Scholarship recipients will also complete a 20 business day paid internship, for which they will receive an additional $3,000. Host employers will receive $500 per intern.
More information is available at: