COVID Vaccine Fact Sheet


How do I get a vaccine/Who gets them first?

Vaccines will begin being rolled out to priority groups starting 22nd February. There are many factors the Government is constantly reviewing in the rollout. This includes speed in public up-take, efficacy, outbreaks, supply of vaccine etc. As such, the Government will announce each phase as it begins rather than setting a date too far in advance.


Phase 1a 
Quarantine and border workers
Frontline health care worker sub-groups for prioritisation
Aged care and disability care staff
Aged care and disability care residents
Number of doses up to 1.4m
Phase 1b 
Elderly adults aged 80 years and over
Elderly adults aged 70-79 years
Other health care workers
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people > 55
Younger adults with an underlying medical condition, including those with a disability
Critical and high risk workers including defence, police, fire, emergency services and meat processing
Number of doses up to 14.8m
Phase 2a 
Adults aged 60-69 years
Adults aged 50-59 years
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 18-54
Other critical and high risk workers
Number of doses up to 15.8m
Phase 2b 
Balance of adult population
Catch up any unvaccinated Australians from previous phases
Number of doses up to 16m
Phase 3
< 16 if recommended*
Number of doses up to 13.6m


Do I have to get a vaccine?

No. Vaccines are not mandatory. Most people will be encouraged to get the vaccines and you may need to be vaccinated in certain situations of high risk (E.g Visiting Aged-Care facilities) but they are not compulsory for all citizens.

Where can I get a vaccine?

Initially, doses will be made available for priority groups in 30 – 50 hospital hubs in urban and rural locations around Australia. Vaccination teams will go out to aged care and disability care facilities. These teams will be managed by the Australian Government.

As the roll out continues, other locations will also be made available at GP respiratory clinics, General Practices that meet specific requirements, Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Services, and state-run vaccination clinics. When vaccines become broadly available, some workplace vaccination sites and community pharmacies that meet specific requirements will be added.

How COVID-19 vaccines will be distributed | Australian Government Department of Health

Information correct as at 15/02/21