Hogan stands with the community in opposition to CSG

Federal member for Page Kevin Hogan has spoken in Parliament today stating his continued opposition to CSG in our region. Mr Hogan told Parliament he came to the conclusion that CSG was inappropriate for Page after he visited Chinchilla in Queensland in January 2013 to spoke with community members about the impact of the industry…


2014 Ballina Coast & Hinterland Business Awards

Mr HOGAN (Page) (13:55): I stand to congratulate Nadia Eliot-Burgess, who hosted the Ballina Chamber of Commerce 2014 Ballina Coast & Hinterland Business Awards on Saturday night. Well over 200 people were in attendance. It was a great night celebrating small business in the Ballina community. I would like to congratulate Troy Daley from Daley’s…


Roads to Recovery funding flows to Page

Mr HOGAN (Page) (13:31): Very good news was delivered to local communities this week following our passing of the $2.1 billion Roads to Recovery program. That money will start flowing within the next month. Mr Deputy Speaker Scott, I can inform you and the House that my electorate of Page, which houses five different local…


Ensuring sustainable superannuation savings

Mr HOGAN (Page) (16:12): There is one really clear thing that I think the opposition need to understand: if they are talking about the savings for people’s retirement, this money comes from—and it has been acknowledged by the Leader of the Opposition, no less—the wages of the workers who pay it. The designers of this scheme…


Roads to Recovery funding delivered to local councils

Federal member of Page Kevin Hogan said more than $21 million will now flow to Page’s five councils under the Government’s Roads to Recovery Programme that passed through Parliament this week. “The Land Transport Infrastructure Amendment Bill 2014 passed the Senate and will see councils across Page get their first payments next month – on…


Strongest water protections in nation's history

TWO amendments moved by Page MP Kevin Hogan in relation to the CSG water trigger legislation have provided the greatest standard of protection for water resources in the nation’s history. Mr Hogan moved the amendments last night that for the first time will mandate the state and territory government must seek and take into account…


Hogan takes the spirit of Beef Week to Canberra

Mr HOGAN (Page) (13:37): A great event happened over the weekend, Mr Deputy Speaker Scott, and you have probably heard about it—Beef Week 2014 began in Casino, New South Wales. I congratulate Stuart George and all his team on, once again, getting this great iconic event in our community off the ground. A lot of…
